Tuesday, October 13

Rolling shape..

"In case of need to restart, reach absolute bottom" - Something like this must be written in the instructions of my body.
It was one year ago that I felt in peak. 25manna relay, 2nd leg. I felt the flow as never before. Sure, physical shape was not that good but I felt realy strong in technique. If I would have to explain the feeling, it would be something like running the course for second or even third time. It's an amazing feeling wich I will remember all the time and will seek for it in the future. But after that race everything just went down. Next week after the relay I cought a feber for a week. After a month I broke my little toe. At the begining I didn't think it was so serious and just continued to train. But after a week or so it was impossible because of pain. Few rest weeks, then too early try to come back and again rest... It went like this until march and this 'game' had negative impact on my back which I didn't feel at that moment. Then I was sick again for a week and immediately after that jumpt into running shoes and tried to catch already lost shape. That lead into shin splint influence. This one stayed with me until June. During the time I managed to run 10MILA allmost untrained which wasn't so smart att all and just added few more weeks to recovery. After shin splints, when I thought that I see light at the end of the tunnel, back problem stuck out from earlier damages. Trying to train my back with a lot of squats, I managed to injure my knee...
Feels like it was ment to be so and nothing could change it. Every try was denied and just brought new problems. Maybe this was the plan for 2015, who knows. The 'black' period has lasted for one year allready. Is it the end? Will I be able to enjoy trainings again? These 'middleages' of my life have taught me to appreciate every activity and have showed me that alternative trainings also works! P.s. Statistics rules!

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