All the week I had difficult feelings about orienteering... Firstly, I was afraid going into the forest, starting all over again and seeing that I am at the same spot were I left. But! I was angry on myself for stupid thoughts and fears during the weekend in Czech, so I wanted to stand up and show myself that I can do it and do it hard, because I love it! And I decided to enjoy the nice weekend competitions close to my native forest. Yes, I did mistakes, smaller and bigger ones, but I enjoyed each and every minute which I spent in the forest that weekend. This time I skipped the bad parts and suck up all the good ones. Like jumping into the path and passing by other runners (this wasn't frequent thing in my career :) ) or running uphill with a smile.
So just an easy weekend with a smile and I was back.
Next week the big preparation for 25manna had started. Organizing, planning and still trying to push hard or even harder during the trainings. From this week I changed my trainings scheme which I believe will bring me there where I want...
On sunday I tried out Hellasloppet 10km course - 38:36. Not so impressive, but You have to start from somewhere... (to be continued)
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